The Management Team

The management team consists of four dedicated professors and two study coordinators and some temporary assistants at both universities. 

Prof. Dr. Pablo Evelson

Director of the International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS) Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Christoph Borner

Director of the International Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)
Director of the Speman Graduate School in Biology and Medicine (SGBM)

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gelpi

Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Teacher at IMBS

Prof. Dr. Roland Mertelsmann.

Vice director of the Interntional Master in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)

Prof. Dr. Marta Mollerach

Academic Excecutive Director and Member of IMBS Comission

Ana Cortés

IBMS Administrative Coordinator

Prof. Cecilia Shimabukuro

Director of spanish language course

Iván Acevedo Monterrosa

IMBS Administrative Team

Ailin Cufré

IMBS Administrative Coordinator

Felicitas Lange

IMBS Administrative Team

María Belén Moyano

IMBS Study Coordinator

Bärbel Schätzle, Dipl. Soz. Päd.

IMBS Study Coordinator